woensdag 24 februari 2016

The famous and the food

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Alexander Hamilton eet bij Thomas Jefferson

As soon as they saw that the salads had been disposed of, two servants were quick to bring in helpings of the first course that had been kept warming just outside the door. In keeping with the Monticello custom, there were two main courses. The first was a capon stuffed with Virginia ham and chestnut puree, artichoke bottoms, and truffles, with a bit of cream, white wine, and chicken stock added.It as served with a Calvados sauce, made with the great apple brandy of Normandy that Jefferson had brought back from his travels...As time passed, the second main course would prove to be the New York version of the famed boeuf a la mode, without which no Monticello dinner was considered complete. This was really an elegant beef stew that was a universal favorite. James Hemmings had made it before going to France with Jefferson. He had added certain flavoring touches that he learned in France, and now the beef was a masterpiece that Hamilton praised extravagently. They briefly fell silent while doing it justice with genuine enjoyment...We cannot be sure of the guests' response, but it is not hard to imagine Hamilton standing as if in a toast to his host...Hamilton was as aggressive and brilliant in the art and science of being a guest as he was in every other activity...There were meringues, macaroons, bell fritters, and other small sweets in endless varieties in front of each man, waiting to be consumed before the dessert...At the same time, Hamilton kept talking with a fluency that the host [Jefferson] had to admire...And then, at the precise moment when the evening was approaching perfection, came the universally favorite dessert--the delicious vanilla ice cream that still seemed like a miracle for it was enclosed in a warm pastry, like a cream puff, giving the illusion that the ice cream had come straight from the oven. it never failed to elicit cries from the groups of diners at Monticello, and it did not fail now. Even Madison gave a small squeal, and Hamilton positively exulted...

Likeuren en inmaak

Benjamin Franklin zelf

When about 16 years of age I happened to meet with a book, written by one Tryon, recommending a vegetable diet. I determined to go into it. My brother, being yet unmarried, did not keep house, but boarded himself and his apprentices in another family. My refusing to eat flesh occasioned an inconveniency, and I was frequently chid for my singularity. I made myself acquainted with Tryon's manner of preparing some of his dishes, such as boiling potatoes or rice, making hasty pudding, and a few others, and then proposed to my brother, that if he would give me, weekly, half the money he paid for my board, I would board myself. He instantly agreed to it, and I presently found that I could save half what he paid me. This was an additional fund for buying books. But I had another advantage in it. My brother and the rest going from the printing-house to their meals, I remained there alone, and, despatching presently my light repast, which often was no more than a bisket or a slice of bread, a handful of raisins or a tart from the pastry-cook's, and a glass of water, had the rest of the time till their return for study, in which I made the greater progress, from that greater clearness of head and quicker apprehension which usually attend temperance in eating and drinking.

Klein maar fijn, dit kaaswinkeltje...
Ik ga er elke keer binnen

Aretha Franklin
Geen familie

Using her favorite term for cooking, Aretha admits, "Yes, I like switchin' in the kitchen.' It's relaxing and it's creative. I have my own special dishes--banana pudding, homemade ice cream, barbecued ribs, hams, quiche. And we've been growing our own fresh vegetables in the garden. I've been learning the art of French cooking and I've already done some Indonesian and Viennese dishes--so I'm not doing bad. I do it all: New Orleans gumbo, greens, ham hocks, chilins, ribs, and a great hickory-smoked barbecue sauce. "I couldn't bear to deny myself all my life all the good foods I like to eat...I love to eat fried chicken, greens, soul food. And I like banana splits, malts, plenty of ice cream..."I remember one time when I appeared on an NAACP Image Awards show in Hollywood," Franklin recalls. "I weighed little or nothing! But it made me feel weak, irritable, all that keeping away from food. I'll never knock off that much weight again in my life. One day I can eat anything. Everything I crave. Then the very next day I'll start out like a calorie executioner--a half grapefruit, a couple of eggs, some bran toast. I balance it off like that. Starvation diets are a sin, and deathly." Ever since the mid-1970s, Aretha has been talking about writing her own cookbook, which she wants to title Switchin' in the Kitchen...The one recipe that Franklin has shared is the one she calls "Aretha's Chicken Italiano." According to her, "Take six or eight pieces of chicken, all types: breasts, legs, thighs, wings, whatever you like. Get a couple of sticks of butter, and melt you butter. Brown your chicken on both sides lightly. Now ou have this butter base and you put about, I would say, a teaspoonful of rosemary in it and let it summer. Thats's it."


Barbara Streisand

Triple threat Barbra Streisand--she's an actress, a singing star, and now a mother--took up cooking when she went into retirement while waiting for the arrival of her son, Jason. Barbra likes food, anything from hot dogs to pheasant. A favorite is her own invention. She calls it instant ice cream.

Barbra's Instant Coffee Ice Cream
24 marshmallows
1 cup milk
1 teaspoon instant coffee
1 cup heavy cream, chilled
Turn you refrigerator to the coldest point. Pour milk into a saucepan, heat, and gradually add the marshmallows. Mix until the mixture is smooth; add the instant coffee. Let it cool a bit. Whip the cream until stiff; mix cream and marshmallow mix together and pour into an empty ice cube tray. Freeze. Barbra likes this with pretzels believe it or not.

Ik ben vergeten wat dit was
Zal kijken want het is vlak bij mijn hotel
(Naast een winkel met heiligenbeelden!)

Buffalo Bill

The next evening, looking over toward the west, I saw a truly frontier sight—a line of trappers winding down the hillside with their pack animals. My mother had often told me of the trappers searching the distant mountains for fur-bearing animals and living a life of fascinating adventure. Here they were in reality. While some of the men prepared the skins, others built a fire and began to get a meal. I watched them cook the dried venison, and was filled with wonder at their method of making bread, which was to wrap the dough about a stick and hold it over the coals till it was ready to eat. You can imagine my rapture when one of them—a pleasant-faced youth—looked up, and catching sight of me, invited me to share the meal. Boys are always hungry, but I was especially hungry for such a meal as that.

We had now been reduced to utter destitution. Our only food was what rabbits and birds I could trap and catch with the help of our faithful old dog Turk, and the sod corn which we grated into flour.

I remember that on some of our trips we obtained such "luxuries" as dried apples and beans as part of our supplies. We could only have these once every two or three days, and their presence in the mess was always a glad occasion.

During my stay in and about Fort Laramie I had seen much of the Indian traders, and accompanied them on a number of expeditions. Their business was to sell to the Indians various things they needed, chiefly guns and ammunition, and to take in return the current Indian coin, which consisted of furs. With the supplies bought by the money I had earned on the trip with Simpson, mother and my sisters were fairly comfortable. I felt that I should be able to embark in the fur business on my own account—not as a trader but as a trapper. With my friend Dave Harrington as a companion I set out. Harrington was older than I, and had trapped before in the Rockies. I was sure that with my knowledge of the Plains and his of the ways of the fur-bearing animals, we should form an excellent partnership, as in truth we did. We bought a yoke of oxen, a wagon-sheet, wagon, traps of all sorts, and strychnine with which to poison wolves. Also we laid in a supply of grub—no luxuries, but coffee, flour, bacon and everything that we actually needed to sustain life.

Een banketbakker tijdens Sinterklaas

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